our expertise industry segments

Industries Expertise for Executive Search, Executive Coaching and Outplacement
FMCG & Retail
DNA’s consultants in FMCG & Retail have built up extensive experience within this field, because they have operated at C-level in a number of recognised brands. Therefore, they possess a deep understanding of the industry’s mechanisms, and they have a vast network that makes it possible to provide qualified candidates in a wide range of areas.
Digital & Technology
Existing business models are challenged by an ongoing digitisation across professions, companies, and industries which means, that many companies must rethink their business model in order to remain competitive – and in some cases stay in the market all together. DNA Headhunting has developed a track record across industries in servicing companies that need candidates with the professional skills to support this transformation.
Engineering & Production
There is a persistent battle for talent in companies that compete under constantly changing market conditions with a need to constantly develop their services and supply models. DNA Headhunting has an established network among relevant candidates who are capable of working under these conditions and who can ensure progress and continuity.
Life Sciences
In an industry with a long lead time on product development, fierce competition, and consequently a significant financial risk continuity of each company is critical, and succession management is therefore of central importance. DNA Headhunting works with significant players in the industry and has built up both a local and international network of qualified candidates who are attracted to this industry’s demands for dedication and perseverance.
Consulting & Services
Consulting is, if anything, a “people business”, whether it is about law, finance, or consulting in the broader sense of the word. The right candidate must obviously possess professional skills within the given field, but they must also be able to join a team of peers and be a bearer of culture in line with their colleagues. To identify relevant candidates DNA Headhunting uses its experience from both its own company as well as from undertaking numerous assignments for knowledge companies, where professionalism and culture is the sum of the employees.
NGOs are typically characterised by a passion for a cause and a strong desire to make a difference. These are organisations that are also seeking a proven balance between a humanistic perspective and a commercial agenda. DNA Headhunting has completed a large number of projects in such knowledge-intensive organisations and therefore has an extensive network of qualified candidates that thrive in organisations of this nature.